Friday, April 4, 2014

Married Couples Equal Relationship

Equality in household chores

Though it has been so for centuries, dusting, cooking, laundry and other household tasks should not be women’s responsibility alone. Divide up the chores based on what you enjoy or would like to do, but keep on switching the tasks just to avoid it getting mundane. Also, step up and help each other; this will ensure better bonding too!

Equality in career

Since time immemorial, women have been caretakers of the home while men have hunted around for means to run the household. But, not any longer! Slowly but steadily, women are becoming financially independent, and taking their careers seriously. Although, even in the global scenario there are debates happening over whether women can have it all or not; with women entering board rooms and taking top corporate roles, the writing is on the wall. So dear men, respect that her work life is as important as yours.

Equality in friendships

Your partner’s friends do not necessarily have to be your friends. In Indian society, it is mostly women who lose touch with their friends after marriage. That, however, should not be the case. While there must be a common set of friends, both the partners must take time off with their individual friends to maintain their individuality, and have some space in the relationship. Organise home parties, where you invite both set of friends, or sometimes enjoy a night out with your respective friends.

Equality in decision making

An everlasting, strong relationship requires a balanced life, and that comes when both the partner have a discussion to take a mutual decision. Listening and understanding each other strengthens the bond. Just giving orders to the other, or disregarding your partner’s ideas, or making decisions for the partner will only lead to frustration and fights.

Equality in finances

At a time when women are heading top banks in the country (think Chanda Kochhar, Naina Lal Kidwai), the debate that women don’t understand finances just goes out of the window. Just like a woman is assumed to take care of the household, a man is assumed to manage the finances. Sit together and discuss what the best investment options for your family are. Create a budget and plan major expenses accordingly. If there is a car or a house you want to purchase, discuss how you two would like to reach that goal as a "team".

Equality in bed

Just as you balance your life in other areas, balance the "intimate-side" of your life too. If your partner is not in mood; just back off without any argument or feeling bad about it. Most couples think that talking about it is not necessary, but psychologists say that this makes your relationship stronger and more romantic. Talk about the new ideas, likes and dislikes about bedroom activities, and fantasies.


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