Thursday, April 24, 2014

Schedule Your Email to Send at the TIME and DAY

  • Compose the email like you normally would.
  • Click on the Options tab (Outlook 2003, use the Options drop down menu).
  • Click the Delay Delivery icon (Outlook 2003, use the Delivery Options).
  • The Message Options box will open.
  • Under Delivery Options, check the Do not deliver before box.
  • Select the Date and Time that you would like your email sent.
  • Click Close.
  • Click on Send – just as you usually would. The email will remain in your Outbox until the time and date you indicated.
TIP: When closing down Outlook, it will remind you that there are unsent messages and ask if you still want to shut down. Just say “yes”.
NOTE: You must have your computer turned on and Outlook open at the time you want the message to be sent for this to work. If you use Outlook Exchange, it is server based so you do not need to have Outlook open.
Once it is time for your message to be sent, it will disappear from your Outbox and move to your Sent items folder. Try sending an email to yourself at a later date and see how it works!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bluetooth vs WiFi

      Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Formulation: Bluetooth Technology’s invention has been credited to Ericsson which in the year 1994 launched it as a wireless communication alternative to RS232. Wi-Fi, though had researches since the mid 80s, was officially launched in the year 1997. A committee for development of Wi-Fi was set in the year 1990 which was head by, Victor Hayes who is also known as father of Wi-Fi.
     Bluetooth vs. WiFi -  IEEE Standards: Bluetooth was initially defined under IEEE 802.15.1 standard but is now taken care by a Special Interest Group (SIG). Wi-Fi, on the other hand, is defined under 802.11.x (x=a, b, c, and so on) series of protocols and is currently maintained under the same. A Wi-Fi alliance founded by various companies tests and authorizes gadgets to be Wi-Fi compatible.
     Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Versions: Since its inception, Bluetooth has seen several versions of it such as Bluetooth 2.0, Bluetooth 2.1, Bluetooth 3.0 and the latest, Bluetooth 4.0. Added technologies such as Enhanced Data Rate (EDR), Alternate MAC/PHY, low energy protocols etc have been implemented in these updates.  
Various versions and upgrades are there in Wi-Fi too which are quite different than those in Bluetooth. Since, it is an IEEE 802.11 standard, Wi-Fi versions are termed as 802.11.a, 802.11b and so on.  These versions vary in terms of security protocols, radio frequency used for data exchange, maximum speed for data exchange, bandwidth occupied etc.
Bluetooth vs. WiFi - .Frequency: Bluetooth works at 2.4GHz frequency while Wi-Fi based networks work at 2.4, 3.6 and 5 GHz .
Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Data Transfer Rates: The latest additions to Bluetooth (Bluetooth 4.0) promises data transfer rates to be upto 25mbps while latest Wi-Fi version of Wi-Fi direct can reach upto 250mbps of data transferring rate. Earlier versions of Bluetooth were able to deliver data at 800 hops per second while Wi-Fi clocked up at speeds like 54mbps.
      Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Range: Maximum range for Bluetooth based wireless connections is 30m while for Wi-Fi, it can extend well upto 100m. In Wi-Fi, range depends on the version of Wi-Fi protocol applied and addition of antennas in the communication system while no such concerns of range or extra antenna are much known in Bluetooth.
     Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Devices Connected: In Bluetooth, upto 7 devices can be connected to each other (piconet) while in Wi-Fi, the maximum connections depend on Wi-Fi router which can accommodate 1 to several communicating devices at a time.
     Bluetooth vs. WiFi -  Connection Complexity: Connecting two devices over Bluetooth is fairly simple as there is just a simple key matching process. On the other hand, connections concerning Wi-Fi need an expertise in configuration and security pass code matching process. This makes Wi-Fi connection process more complex than the Bluetooth ones.
     Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Security: Earlier versions of Bluetooth were encryption and even now Bluetooth security is limited to key matching. Whereas in Wi-Fi, the security standards have been raised with inclusion of new versions. Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) are two most used security accesses used in Wi-Fi with the former being less secure than the latter.
    Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Power Consumption: Able to works at longer distances and loaded with high quality security protocols makes Wi-Fi a more power consuming protocol than Bluetooth.
     Bluetooth vs. WiFi - Applicative Scenario: Wi-Fi technology is more used in connecting computers to routers or internet gateways. Moreover, a number of electronic gadgets such as camera, gaming consoles, PDA’s etc. also make use of Wi-Fi to connect to each other or internet.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Body Language Mistakes by Employees

11 common body language mistakes employees make:

Poor posture. How we feel affects how we stand. In order to be perceived as confident, you must stand tall, with your neck elongated, ears and shoulders aligned, chest slightly protruding, and legs slightly apart, distributing weight evenly, Reiman says. “This does several things. It changes the chemicals in our brain to make us feel stronger and more confident, and it gives the outward appearance of credibility, strength, and vitality.”
People often slump their shoulders either due to bad backs, fatigue, lack of confidence, or general disregard. “This will give others the impression of insecurity, laziness, and a general sense of unhappiness.”
Not being in sync. When we like someone, we naturally match and mirror their voice, tone, tempo, body posture, and movements, says Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of  “If you were to watch the conversation on a video, it might look like you’re dancing with the other person. If you don’t ‘dance’ with your teammates it can make you look you're not interested in what they are saying, you are not a good team player, or, in the extreme cases, that you are lying.” 
Fidgeting and “big” hand movements. In business, small gestures tend to demonstrate the biggest points. “It is rare to see the alpha of the group wildly flailing about,” Reiman says. “Powerful business people tend to use smaller, more subtle hand gestures to demonstrate their point with authority.”
However, so many people in the workplace today make big hand gestures or fidget with their hands, phone, or hair. “This demonstrates weakness and a lack of confidence.”
Giving no physical feedback or facial expression. A big mistake a lot of employees make that can be detrimental to their success: They show no empathy or interest in what their colleagues are saying. “We often express interest through raised eyebrows, smiles, head nods, vocal utterances (like ‘ uh-huh ’ ), and leaning forward,” Wood says. “If you don’t give feedback physically, people think you don’t care, that you’re stuck up, and host of other negative attributes.”
No eye contact. "Cultural respective eye contact is one of the main components of nonverbal communication," Reiman explains.  The ability to gaze at another while speaking denotes authority, confidence, and presence. “Studies suggest that holding eye contact while speaking has an enormous impact on your ability to persuade. Lack of eye contact often implies deception,” she says. When breaking eye contact, it is better to break off to the left or to the right, as looking down suggests insecurity.
Bad handshake. Ideally, your handshake should be firm, but not overbearing. “The secret to a great handshake is palm-to-palm contact,” Wood says. You want to slide your hand down into the web of theirs, and make palm-to-palm contact. Lock thumbs, and apply an equal amount of pressure.  
Mismatching verbal and nonverbal messages. Making facial expressions that appear to show the opposite emotional reaction to what you are saying is another common mistake, Wood says. For example: You say, “that sounds great” in a monotone voice, while you cross your arms and roll your eyes. “I believe this is the worst mistake any communicator can make,” she says. “Some people do it as a passive aggressive way of getting their message across.”
Failing to smile. “The smile is accompanied by increased activity in the left pre-frontal cortex — the seat of positive emotions,” Reiman says. Smiling demonstrates confidence, openness, warmth, and energy. It also sets off the mirror neurons in your listener instructing them to smile back, she says. Without the smile, an individual is often seen as grim or aloof. 
“Of course, worse than the ‘non-smiler’ is the ‘permagrinner,’ who smiles too often and is perceived as insincere and misleading,” Reiman  adds.
Eye rolling. Eye rolling is a sign of contempt, frustration, exasperation, and aggression,  Reiman says. "While for some it's a habit, it is a completely conscious act that can be avoided with self-awareness." Eye rolling signals to your listener that you don’t appreciate or respect them or what they are saying. "This is such a strong signal that researchers have proven that rolling your eyes after a spouse has spoken is a strong predictor of divorce," she says.
Keeping a cell phone out. Employees sometimes place their cell phone between themselves and the person they’re speaking to. “It says, symbolically, that this object is more important than they are, and that the phone is what you’d prefer to interact with.”
Crossing their arms defensively . Look around in a meeting and you’ll likely notice a few colleagues crossing their arms. “You should always keep your hands in view when you are talking,” Wood explains. “When a listener can’t see your hands, they wonder what you are hiding.” To look honest and credible, show your hands.


Sleeping Tips During Summer Nights

* Keep a plant mister containing water by your bed to spray on your face during the night.
* Stop your bedroom overheating during the day by keeping curtains and blinds closed.
* Wash your feet with cold water before getting into bed, and/or run your wrists under cold water.
* Place a wet flannel in the fridge for an hour or so before getting into bed and lay it on your forehead to help you drift off to sleep.
* Sleep in cool wet socks or even a damp T-shirt.
* Use light bed sheets.
* Most importantly stay well hydrated during the day and don't fret too much if you can't sleep. Use the time to rest and think positive thoughts, then you will be extra productive the day after.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Marriage Tips Indian Wives Must Forget

Most Indian girls are raised to believe certain things when it comes to marriage. They are even told that these are the things that hold the key to a happy and stable married life for them. But most of these things might not hold relevance today! In fact, some of them are so archaic or saas-bahu soap opera material that modern girls, and even their husbands, might sometimes feel uncomfortable or even be opposed to these notions.
It is high time that some conventional beliefs change! Especially since the relationship between a husband and a wife, and their understanding has gone through a dramatic evolution in recent times. We give you five notions that women need to unlearn right away. This might serve as an eye-opener to help you live a fuller and happier married life.

1. ‘Your husband is your God’

It might sound crazy, but this is probably the most often used line by most mothers, especially when their daughters are about to get married. Despite being touted as hilarious and outdated, many women still choose to believe this. We are not questioning any beliefs here, but just takes “husband idolising” to a whole new level, doesn’t it? Today, even most men desire a wife who stands strong and equal to them, rather than “worshipping” them. If a girl questions her husband, the elders use emotionally-laced words like, “But, he is your husband!” As if being a husband automatically absolves an individual of wrong doing. These days, with women achieving a foothold even in space, gender equality should not really be an issue. But it can be achieved only when women stop reserving divine status for the men they marry.

2. ‘Your husband’s home is your “true home”’

This is a concept that is drilled into probably every little girl’s head in a very subtle way. They are often referred to as paraya dhan or “someone else’s treasure”. Sentences like, “You will soon go to your “real” home”, are said over and over again when they reach a marriageable age. Isn’t it funny that the home they were born in is not considered their “real” home? But the worst reality might hit some girls, if they don't get along well with their in-laws, and realise that even this new home is not their own, but their husband's! Why not just accept the fact that home is where you find people who will accept you for who you are? After all, ‘home is where the heart is’, right?

3. ‘Never say no’

Almost every girl is taught to be a pushover! It is as if every Indian wife is supposed to be a genie or a robot. They are asked by the elders in the family to avoid saying “no” to their husband. Listening to what he says is one thing, but "never say no to him" really means blind unquestioning and absolute obedience! Women have their own opinion, and the right to say what they feel, don’t they? Here is something more that is totally relevant in the day and age today- men actually respect and admire women who have a firm, well-thought view and opinion.

4. ‘No matter what you do, your real place is in the kitchen’

Despite women striding out of the kitchen into the boardrooms and courtrooms, and even in the Parliament, at the end of the day they are still expected to go back to their kitchens! “No matter what you do, your real place is in the kitchen”, is what they are told by the elders! Culinary skills have been hyped as the sole important reason for a man to love his wife. But some women love to cook and some don’t; some are great at it while some just cannot get a hang of it ever. Why can’t the fact just be accepted?

5. ‘You must be an ideal wife’

Every woman has heard this at some point of time. What is “ideal”, really? Does it have a definition? This belief simply drives a woman out of her mind, trying to cope with the high standards set by society, and no matter how good she is, she never seems to be “ideal” enough. All of us have our own quirks and crazy moments, and sometimes these are what define us. In the times today, accepting a partner with all their perfections and flaws should be considered “ideal” more than anything else, we say!


Monday, April 14, 2014

Real Dating Tips From Bollywood

Bollywood dialogues full of real, sensible, useful love advice:

1. Koi pyaar kare to tumse kare, tum jaise ho waise kare. Tumhe badal kar jo pyar kare, woh pyaar nahin, woh sauda kare.

Translation: If someone loves you, they should love you the way you are. If they're changing you and loving you, that's not love - it's a trade-off. Film: Mohabbatein There's a lot to be said for adjusting, but the fact remains that you've been yourself all your life and are pretty set in your ways already. The point is finding someone whose hang-ups and quirks you can live with, and vice versa. Small changes are inevitable and necessary along the way, but try to change anything major and you'll probably just end up resenting each other.
 Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani\n

2. Tum galat nahin ho, bas mujhse bahut alag ho.

Translation: You're not wrong, just very different from me. Film: Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani On that same note, just because someone is doing something differently doesn't mean that they're wrong. It may be irritating to you, but everyone wants different things, everyone has different ways of dealing with things, and everyone prioritises different things. Life is a lot easier when you realise that not everything comes from a place of malice - sometimes it's simply that the person is different than you are! (And you have to decide whether these are things you can live with; see point #1.)

3. Kabhi toh pehli mulaqat hi kaafi hoti hai ... aur kabhi bahut si mulaqatein lag jaati hai.

Translation: Sometimes, the first meeting is enough... and sometimes, it takes lots of meetings.Film: Hum Tum Just because you don't hit it off the first time doesn't mean you never will. Obviously, don't ignore any major red flags... but it's not necessary to write someone off just because the first meeting or first date wasn't what you hoped it would be.
 Hum Tum\n

4. Doosra mauka humein upar waala nahi deta hai... humein khud lena hota hai

Translation: God doesn't give us the second opportunity... we have to take it ourselves.Film: Hum Tum If things have gone a little sour and you want to fix it, you have to get in there and do the dirty work yourself. Stop waiting for things to magically fix themselves or for that 'opportunity' to present itself to make things better. It might blow up in your face, it might not - but the point is you won't have to live with the regret of not trying when you could have.

5. Jeevan ke kis modh pe, kab koi mil jaaye... kaun keh sakta hai?

Translation: Who knows when someone will walk into our lives? Film: Chandni Most of us have had our moments of feeling #ForeverAlone, but you just never know when you end up meeting someone. Maybe it's someone you always knew but never thought you could see in that light (see point #3). Maybe it's someone you meet at a place you normally never visit. The point is, keep an open mind and try not to wallow in your brain's "I'm gonna die alone" chants. Oh, and probably start stepping out of your comfort zone more - do things you never did, meet people you never have!
 Jab We Met\n

6. Main apni favourite hoon

Translation: I am my favourite. Film: Jab We Met You have to learn to love yourself (because you are awesomesauce) before you can love anyone else. If you love yourself, you'll know what you deserve and won't settle for anything less than it. You'll also be less likely to be emotionally dependent on one person for all your happiness, which helps take a lot of pressure off any relationship.

7. Jab koi pyar mein hota hai... toh koi sahi galat nahin hota.

Translation: When someone is in love, there's no right or wrong. Film: Jab We Met Take this with a pinch of salt, obviously, but the point is that love and relationships lie in murky territory. Not everything is clear-cut and not everything is simply a black-or-white situation, so you should stop seeing it as such. Things can get messy and chances are you're doing something certain people disapprove of - wanting to marry outside of your community, dating someone of the same sex, falling in love with a person outside of your social "class" - but that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.
 Jab We Met\n

8. Mohabbat bhi zindagi ki tarah hoti hai. Har modh aasaan nahi hota, har modh par khushi nahi hoti. Par jab hum zindagi ka saath nahi chhodte... phir mohabbat ka saath kyun chhodein?

Translation: Love is like life. Every turn is not easy, you don't find happiness at every turn. But when we don't give up on life, why should we give up on love? Film: Mohabbatein Love and relationships are hard freaking work. That doesn't mean it's not worth it, though.

9. Jab hum aapse kuch poochna chahe toh aap hum mein rokti hai... aur jab chup ho jaye toh tokti hai

Translation: When I ask you something, you stop me... and when I'm quiet, you taunt me. Film: Hum Aapke Hain Kaun Listen, listen, listen - don't try to shut the other person up when they're speaking or asking about something that matters to them (regardless of whether you agree or think it's important). Especially when you claim not to like their silence!

10. Kuch rishton ki taqdeer sirf dosti tak hi likhi hoti hai

Translation: Some relations are destined to be only friendships. Film: Mohabbatein The friendzone is real. Many of us have ended up liking people who have only platonic feelings for us. It sucks, but it is what it is. Understand that concepts like "ek ladka aur ek ladki kabhi dost nahin ho sakte" exist only in movies and Taylor Swift songs, so you're probably wasting your time if you're waiting around for the person you like to magically fall in love with you. Hey, it may happen - but there's no guarantee it will. Give yourself time to get over it, but don't keep deluding yourself. Oh, and there's nothing to be gained from blaming the other person - no one can be forced into liking another person - and definitely nothing to be gained from thinking there's something missing in you. It just is what it is. The quicker you let it go, the better for you.

11. Dosti bina toh pyar hota hi nahin

Translation: There's no love without friendship. Film: Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Having said that, friendship should be the cornerstone of a relationship, so never stop being each other's friends. Not every friendship may be romantic; but every romance should also be a friendship.
 Kuch Kuch Hota hai\n

12. Ek aurat ki mohabbat aur ek mard ki mohabbat mein bahut fark hota hai

Translation: There's a difference between a woman's love and a man's love. Film: Veer-Zaara Men and women tend to express love differently and prioritise different things in a relationship. That's not to say that all the stereotypes are real - for example, it doesn't always mean that women are the more sensitive ones; it doesn't always mean that men want sex all the time. But when it comes down to it, in most cases, the two sexes see relationships differently. So it's probably a good idea not to expect your partner to behave the way you do. Just because they don't love you the way you want doesn't mean they don't love you the way they know, right?

13. Hum log regular log hai. Aam janta. Mango people. Hum ko practical hona hai.

Translation: We're regular people. The common man. We need to be practical. Film: Love Aaj Kal It would be really, really, really awesome if relationships worked out the way they did in the movies. But most times, they don't - so it's probably a good idea to stop holding your own love story to the standards of Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge.
 Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi\n

14. Ek ladki sirf itna hi chahti hai... ki koi usse itna pyar kare... jitna kisi ne kisi se na kiya ho.

Translation: A girl only wants that someone should love her to an extent that no one has ever loved anyone before. Film: Rab Ne Bana Di JodiEven keeping in mind that love stories don't pan out like the movies, many women - and men - still have the basic need of feeling loved and cared for by the person they're in a relationship with. The good news is that this does not necessarily need grand gestures - more often than not, it is the small things that are the most important. So never forget those, and never stop doing those!

15. Bade bade deshon mein, aisi choti choti baatein hoti rahti hain.

Translation: In big cities like these, small things keep happening. Film: Dilwale Dulhania Le JayengeDon't sweat the small stuff. Stand your ground for the important things, but let the tiny issues go. Pick your battles.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Married Couples Equal Relationship

Equality in household chores

Though it has been so for centuries, dusting, cooking, laundry and other household tasks should not be women’s responsibility alone. Divide up the chores based on what you enjoy or would like to do, but keep on switching the tasks just to avoid it getting mundane. Also, step up and help each other; this will ensure better bonding too!

Equality in career

Since time immemorial, women have been caretakers of the home while men have hunted around for means to run the household. But, not any longer! Slowly but steadily, women are becoming financially independent, and taking their careers seriously. Although, even in the global scenario there are debates happening over whether women can have it all or not; with women entering board rooms and taking top corporate roles, the writing is on the wall. So dear men, respect that her work life is as important as yours.

Equality in friendships

Your partner’s friends do not necessarily have to be your friends. In Indian society, it is mostly women who lose touch with their friends after marriage. That, however, should not be the case. While there must be a common set of friends, both the partners must take time off with their individual friends to maintain their individuality, and have some space in the relationship. Organise home parties, where you invite both set of friends, or sometimes enjoy a night out with your respective friends.

Equality in decision making

An everlasting, strong relationship requires a balanced life, and that comes when both the partner have a discussion to take a mutual decision. Listening and understanding each other strengthens the bond. Just giving orders to the other, or disregarding your partner’s ideas, or making decisions for the partner will only lead to frustration and fights.

Equality in finances

At a time when women are heading top banks in the country (think Chanda Kochhar, Naina Lal Kidwai), the debate that women don’t understand finances just goes out of the window. Just like a woman is assumed to take care of the household, a man is assumed to manage the finances. Sit together and discuss what the best investment options for your family are. Create a budget and plan major expenses accordingly. If there is a car or a house you want to purchase, discuss how you two would like to reach that goal as a "team".

Equality in bed

Just as you balance your life in other areas, balance the "intimate-side" of your life too. If your partner is not in mood; just back off without any argument or feeling bad about it. Most couples think that talking about it is not necessary, but psychologists say that this makes your relationship stronger and more romantic. Talk about the new ideas, likes and dislikes about bedroom activities, and fantasies.


Lok Sabha Elections FAQ 2014

Why should I vote?
• Your most sacred right
• Your right is the at the heart of our democracy
• Your chance to decide your future & that of your fellow citizens
• Gives you the ultimate power to shape the destiny of your country
• Every vote counts
Can I cast my vote in this Election?
• Yes, you can, if :
• You are a citizen of India
• You have completed 18 years of age as on 1 st January, 2014 &
• You are registered as a voter in the current electoral roll of the constituency where you ordinarily reside
What is an electoral roll?
• Voters list - List of all eligible citizens who are entitled to vote in an election
• Prepared for each Assembly Constituency
• Each roll sub - divided into parts
• Normally, one part will correspond with one polling booth
• Polling booths set up so that no voter should ordinarily travel more than 2 kms to reach the booth Why is the electoral roll important to me?
• Having your name in the electoral roll is the first and foremost requirement for you to vote
• Your duty to find whether your name has been registered in the roll or not
How do I check my name in the electoral roll?
1. Find out the name of the assembly constituency where you reside
2. Check your name in the list . You have the following options :
i. Contact the Electoral Registration Officer of your area
ii. Find out from the website of the CEO of your state . For NCT of Delhi, it is www . ceodelhi . nic . in
 iii. Send SMS : EPICVoter ID Card Number to 9211728082 (for NCT of Delhi)
iv. Call the toll - free election helpline no . 1950
Do I have a Voter ID?
• Voter identification is mandatory at the time of poll
• To cast your vote, you have to identify yourself with your Voter ID issued by the Election Commission or by the Photo Voter Slip issued by the Election Office or by alternate documents prescribed by the Election Commission
• Voter ID is also known as Electors’ Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
I have a Voter ID; is it enough to vote?
• No, having Voter ID is not in itself a sufficient condition to cast vote .
• You can vote only if your name appears in the current electoral roll of your constituency .
• You can vote if i ) your name is there in the roll & ii) you have an ID prescribed by the Election Commission.
What are the 2014 General Elections?
• Your chance to decide the Government at the centre
• Your golden opportunity to exercise your constitutional right & participate in world’s largest democratic exercise
• Elections to the Lower House or House of the People (Lok Sabha) of the Indian Parliament
• The 16th General Election
I have lost/misplaced my Voter ID; does this mean that I cannot cast my vote in this Election?
• No, you can still vote by producing the Photo Voter slip issued by the Election Office or alternative documents prescribed by the Election Commission.
What is a Photo Voter Slip?
• A voter slip with your photo (if present in the voters list) issued by the election office
• To facilitate you to know where you are enrolled as a voter at a particular polling station & serial number in the voters list
• It will be in the language in which the voters list is published for your constituency
• It will be accepted as your identity proof at the polling station
How can I get my Photo Voter Slip?
• It will be given to you at your residence by the Booth Level Officer for your area
• In case you misplace it or do not get it by the day of voting, you can collect it on the poll day from the Booth Level Officer positioned outside the polling station at the Voter Assistance Booth.
My photograph in the Voter ID does not match with the photo in the voters list; can I still cast my vote?
• Yes, you can still cast your vote (provided your name is in the current electoral roll), by producing any of your following alternative photo documents : 1. Passport 2. Driving License 3. Service identity cards with photograph issued to employees by Central / State Govt . PSUs / Public limited companies 4. Passbooks with photograph issued by Bank / Post Office 5. PAN card 6. AADHAAR card 7. Smart card issued by RGI under NPR 8. MNREGA Job Card 9. Health insurance smart card issued under the scheme of M/o Labour 10. Pension document with photograph
What are some corrupt practices & electoral offences I need to know & guard against?
• Offering or accepting money or any other gratification either to vote for or not to vote for a particular candidate
• Inducement by way of liquor, feast, gifts, etc . to vote for or not to vote for a particular candidate
• Inducement to vote or not to vote for a particular candidate on the grounds of religion, caste, community, language or place of birth
• Threat of ex - communication to a voter if he votes for or against a particular candidate
• Offer of free conveyance to any elector to go to or from any polling station
How do I Cast my Vote?
What is the time allotted for voting?
• From 07:00 AM to 06:00 PM in general in all constituencies
• From 07:00 AM to 05:00 PM in the North Eastern Region
• From 07:00 AM to 04:00 PM in Manipur & Nagaland
• From 07:00 AM to 04:00 PM in some other constituencies
• You can find out the poll hours for your constituency from the website of the Election Commission
• The Commission has also instructed the CEOs/DEOs to give wide publicity regarding the same in their states/districts
Which is the day of voting?
• Depending on your constituency, voting day would be one of the following nine poll days: April 7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 24, 30 and May 7, 12 of 2014
• Wide publicity has been given for the poll days as above
• You can also find out the poll day for your constituency from the website of the Election Commission
• You have to cast your vote for both Lok Sabha elections & State Assembly Elections on the same day in the same polling booth (in those constituencies where Assembly elections too are being held) Paid Holiday on Poll Day
• You shall either be granted a paid holiday on the poll day in your constituency so that you can cast your vote or be allowed to visit polling station to cast your vote and come back to attend to your work
• Applicable for every person employed in any business, trade, industrial undertaking or any other establishment and entitled t o vote in the 2014 Elections, including those who are working outside the bounds of the constituency
Where do I go to cast my vote?
• You can find out the name and address of your polling station from the Photo Voters slip issued to you by the Election Office
• You can also find this out from the website of the Election Commission of India ( ):
• Locations of most polling stations in the country have been plotted on maps
• You need to click on the tab ‘Polling Station Maps’ on the ECI website
• You would then see the names of the States/UTs for which maps of polling stations are available
• If maps are available for your state/UT, you can:
• Select your State/UT
• Select District, Assembly Constituency and Polling Station names from drop down lists
• Click a button to see Polling Station Locations of the selected area on the map viewer on the page.
• Polling Station Locations are seen as Pins dropped on the map for each Polling Station.
• On clicking on the Pin, a balloon opens up showing the names and cell phone numbers of the Chief Electoral Officer, District Election Officer, Electoral Registration Officer and Booth Level Officer • There is also a link provided for Electoral Rolls. On clicking this link, Electoral Roll for that Polling Station opens up in PDF format and can be saved by the user on his local computer and also printed from the local computer.
The Voting Process
Stage 0 : Reaching the Polling Station
• You must carry your Voter ID, Photo Voter Slip or other alternative photo document as required for identifying yourself at the polling station
• It is advisable to leave your mobile phone at home
• If you take a private vehicle to reach the polling station, you should park the vehicle at a reasonable distance - usually more than 200 metres - away from the polling station
• When you reach the polling station, entry will be regulated by queues
• There will be separate queues for men and women voters and for physically handicapped persons
• At a time, 3 – 4 voters will be allowed into the polling station
• Physically handicapped voters and women voters with babies in arm will be given precedence over other voters in the queue
Stage 1 : Establishment of your Identity
• You should first go to the First Polling Officer who is in charge of the marked copy of the electoral roll and responsible for identification of voters .
• You should keep your identity document ready to show to the First Polling Officer .
• You can also show to him/her the unofficial identity slip giving your particulars . However, you should remember that the unofficial identity slip only helps in locating your name in the electoral roll ; it is not a guarantee of your identification.
• Your name and serial number will then be called out by the First Polling Officer so that the polling agents become aware of your presence and your identity is not challenged.
Stage 2 : Marking of indelible ink, obtaining of your signature or thumb impression & Issue of signed Voter’s slip(s)
• If your identity is not challenged, you should proceed to the Second Polling Officer
• He/she will mark your left forefinger with the indelible ink.
• He/she will then proceed to record your serial number in the electoral roll in the Register of Voters 
• Once this is recorded, you should sign in the appropriate column in the Register of Voters .
• If you cannot sign, your thumb impression will be obtained .
• Now, in case of election to only Lok Sabha :
• The Second Polling Officer will give you a signed voter’s slip.
• In case of simultaneous elections to both Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assembly:
•The Third Polling Officer, who will be sharing the table with the Second Polling Officer, will give you two identical voter’s slips – one on white paper and the other on pink paper.
• He will then direct you to the Fourth Polling Officer.
• The voter’s slip(s) will record your serial number in the register of voters and your serial number in the electoral roll .
Stage 3 : Activation of Ballot Unit for the Lok Sabha Election
• You should then proceed to the Third Polling Officer (in case of election to only Lok Sabha) or Fourth Polling Officer (in case of simultaneous elections) .
• He will take the voter’s slip for Lok Sabha election issued to you by the Second Polling Officer (in case of election to only Lok Sabha) or Third Polling Officer (in case of simultaneous elections) .
• He will then press the "Ballot" button on the Control Unit of voting machine for the Lok Sabha Election, thus activating the Ballot Unit in the voting compartment for the Lok Sabha election.
• He/she will then direct you to the voting compartment for the Lok Sabha election.
Stage 4 : Casting your vote on the Ballot Unit for the Lok Sabha Election
• You should then record your vote on the ballot unit of the voting machine for the Lok Sabha election .
• You should remember that each voter will proceed to the voting compartment in exactly the same sequence in which his/her serial number is recorded in the voters’ register .
            In case of election to only Lok Sabha :
• The voting procedure ends here . You should then leave the polling station and clear way for other voters .
In case of simultaneous elections, proceed to Stage 5 .
Stage 5 : Activation of Ballot Unit for the Assembly Election
• After casting your vote for the Lok Sabha election, you should proceed to the Fifth Polling Officer .
• He will take the voter’s slip for Assembly Election issued to you by the Third Polling Officer .
• He will then press the "Ballot" button on the Control Unit of voting machine for the Assembly Election, thus activating the Ballot Unit in the voting compartment for the Assembly election .
• He/she will then direct you to the voting compartment for the Assembly election .
Stage 6 : Casting your vote on the Ballot Unit for the Assembly Election
• You should then record your vote on the ballot unit of the voting machine for the Assembly election
• The voting procedure ends here . You should then leave the polling station and clear way for other voters . Things to Remember while Inside the Voting Compartment
• You should press the blue candidate button on the Balloting Unit against the name and symbol of the candidate of your choice .
• You may also press the new None of the Above (NOTA) button at the end of the unit if you don’t want to vote for any candidate
• You should press the button only once .
• When you press the blue button, you should watch out for:
            • The red lamp glowing against the name and symbol of your candidate
            • The beep sound to indicate that your vote has been recorded
• Simultaneously, the busy lamp in the Control Unit will go off.
• With this, your vote is cast.
What happens when my vote is challenged?
• Your identity as a voter can be challenged by a polling agent of a candidate, on the ground that you are not the person whose name is listed on the rolls
• If this happens, then the Presiding Officer will :
            • ask the challenger to give evidence in proof, of his challenge                        
            • ask you for your proof of identity
• You can use your Voter ID (EPIC) or any other supporting document like Passport, Ration card, etc . for this purpose
• If the challenge is not established, you will be allowed to vote
• If it is established, you will be debarred from voting and handed over to the police with a written complaint by the Presiding Officer.
What if someone else has cast the vote in my name?
• The First Polling Officer may tell you on arrival inside the polling station that your vote has already been cast
• If this happens, you should inform this to the Presiding Officer immediately
• The law allows you to cast a Tendered Vote
• A Tendered Ballot Paper, as per Rule 49 P of the Conduct of Elections Rules, will be given to you
• If you choose to vote, you will be required to :
            • sign your name on the list of tendered votes
            • mark your choice of candidate with the help of Arrow Cross Mark rubber stamp on the ballot paper given to you
            • hand over the tendered ballot paper to the Presiding Officer
• In this case, you will not cast your vote on the EVM
• A Tendered Ballot Paper is the same as the ballot paper displayed on the balloting unit, except that it shall be endorsed on the back, with the words, “Tendered Ballot Paper” either stamped by the Returning or written by the Presiding Officer in hand at the time of issuing it
What are the complaint redressal mechanisms available to me?
• If you have any grievance in regard to voters list, voter ID or any other election related matter, you can make use of the following mechanisms .
• Every state and UT will have a complaint redressal mechanism based on a dedicated Call Centre and website .
• The URL of the complaint registration website will be announced for each State/ UT by the respective Chief Electoral Officer separately .
• You can therefore register your complaint by :
            • Making a call to the toll free call centre of your state/UT
             • Visiting the website of the complaint redressal mechanism for your state/UT & registering your complaint on the site
            • Calling the National Call Centre number 1950 , which is a toll free number .
• Action will be taken within a time limit on all complaints
• You will also be informed of the action taken, by SMS, if you have registered your Mobile Phone number and also by the Call Centre .
• You can also see the details of the action taken on your complaints, on the website .
During every election, the Commission appoints Observers who are senior civil service officers from outside the state . You may approach them as well . (Detailed addresses, etc . may be obtained from the CEO)
What is New for me the Voter in 2014 Elections
None of the Above (NOTA)
• Introduced in 2013 in State Assembly Elections
• Shall be the last button on the Electronic Voting Machine
• You may press this button if you do not wish to vote for any of the candidates
Photo Voter Slip
• A voter slip with your photo (if present in the voters list) issued by the election office (please refer above for more details)
Basic Minimum Facilities at Polling Stations
• The Election Commission has recently issued instructions to the Chief Electoral Officers of all States/ UTs to ensure that every Polling Station is equipped with Basic Minimum Facilities (BMF) like drinking water, shed, toilet, ramp for the physically challenged voters and a standard voting compartment etc.
Special Support for Differently Abled Voters (in NCT of Delhi)
• The Chief Electoral Officer (Delhi) shall have a link on his website for registration of differently abled voters in NCT of Delhi
• People registering themselves can give suggestions on the kind of facilities that may be provided at polling stations to make voting a better experience for them
• This would enable all possible assistance to be provided to them
• Arrangements are being worked out for having wheelchairs in each polling station along with ‘May I Help You’ volunteers
• This facility can also be availed by senior citizens
• One officer at each polling station would be responsible for providing facilities to differently abled voters and senior citizens ; action would be taken in case there are complaints
• Aimed at making the voting experience of differently abled voters comfortable by ensuring seamless travel and other facilities for them from the gate to the voting compartment in the polling booth, so as to encourage them to come out and vote

source: yahoo