Hug and kiss more often

Promise yourself, that in 2014, you will cuddle, hug and kiss each other more often. Life can be boring and tedious, if you don't make an effort to spice it up. Being affectionate is something that most couples take for granted and end-up ignoring it. Kiss your husband before you leave for work, cuddle after a tiring day in office and hug each other every time you feel like. You will realise that soon you will be doing things spontaneously and you will be happier than ever before.
Schedule date nights

Juggling your career and family life often takes away the romance from your marriage. Couples tend to lose that special spark when they are too tired to go out and have some fun. Decide to schedule two date nights every month. You may feel tired, or have a headache after work, or some other reason might come up, but don't let that come in the way of your date. Go out, watch a movie, eat out, go for a long drive and return home with a big smile on your face.
Kiss and makeup

Fights, petty or nasty, are a part of married life. Who says the sorry first should not matter as long as both of you makeup soon. Many couples often rake up the past and make accusations against each other. This only worsens an otherwise petty issue. Make a resolution this year to not let your ego get in the way and that you both ensure a fight doesn’t continue for too long.
Plan for the future

Why not make a resolution this New Year to sit and talk about your financial planning? Your savings, investments, allotted budgets etc. are some things where in most cases one of the partners simply takes the decision when required. Why not decide to sit and discuss these things together? Not only will it rule out misunderstandings, but also bring you both closer. It will also help you save money to plan something together.
Compliment more than criticise

Familiarity often breeds contempt, and this is especially true for newly married couples. You need to understand that both you and your partner have certain positives and negatives. Instead of harping on the bad points, decide this year that you will compliment and appreciate each other more. Focus on constructive criticism or make requests. This will make your partner feel positive, happy and encouraged to make a similar effort as well.
Lend your ear

Sometimes, all a person needs is a patient ear to vent out all the feelings. It could about office politics or a fight they had with their friend. Whatever it is, sometimes you just need to give them the shoulder to lean on. Decide that in the New Year you will be patient and more sensitive towards your partner by being a good listener.
Workout together

After the wedding, it is easy to let go and put on the kilos quickly. That is why, this New Year, you need to make a resolution to exercise together. This will not only help you to spend some quality time together but also to get rid of that flab.
Spend time with family

It is easy to forget your family and immerse yourself in work and your marriage. But, you must realise that your parents need your love and care too. Make a promise that you will make more efforts to spend time with both your families. Take them out for a mini holiday or maybe just a lunch on Sundays. Talk to them more often, give a call, and just make them feel loved.
Surprise each other often

Surprises are expected on birthdays and anniversaries. But this New Year, decide to surprise your partner more often, even without an occasion. Buy some flowers or their favourite perfume, or simply turn up at their office for lunch, or even plan a romantic weekend. This is one of the best ways to strengthen your bond.
Source: yahoo
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