Friday, March 18, 2016

Reasons To Dump Your Credit Card

1. Overspending: Swiping your credit card may make you happy for a couple of days or months. However, this could also result in frustration once the bill arrives.Overspending is actually a sign to close a credit card. Holding on to an extra credit card just to make sure your credit score is good is not a very good idea.
2. Interest rate: You can always talk to one of the banking officials to negotiate a lower rate that might actually work out for your financial blueprint. If that does not happen, you must definitely consider closing the credit card. It’s not advisable to continue accumulating debt. Make a list of your credit cards according to interest rates and eliminate the one for which you are paying a lot of money.
3. Reward points: Reward points are one of the most attractive features of a credit card. It is as good as earning and indulging in extra money that’s available to you based on your purchases using the credit card. If the rewards scheme is working out very well for you then you must weigh your decision and continue to use the card. However, if you’re hardly making use of any reward points, it is better for you to close that credit card.
4. Debt: Credit cards with high interest rates may increase your debt. It is actually a sign that you should move as there is a high possibility that you may end up paying high fees. Also, increasing your debt with banks does not really favour your credit rating.
5. Fraudulent activities: If you have lost your credit card, it is always best to inform you bank. Also, if you notice some unauthorized activities, the best thing to do is to inform the bank and close your credit card immediately.

Mistakes to avoid in job interview

  1. Do not be overconfident: There is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence. Boasting too much and aggressive tones are a strict no-no at an interview.

  1. Refrain from joking: Be articulate about what to say and know when to say it. Light humor certainly lightens the environment and projects you as a happy-go-lucky person. But one too many jokes can reduce your chances of getting the job, unless you are being interviewed for a comedian’s role.

  1. Do not criticize past employers: Even if your experience with the previous organization is the reason for quitting the job, do not say anything negative about it. You may come across as a complainer and as imprudent. This will not get you the job.

  1. ‘I hate my job’: You just reduced your chances of being hired. All right, you do not like anything about your job. But wasn’t that your decision? Cribbing is extremely unprofessional. 

  1. Avoid saying just ‘yes’ and ‘no’: Remember not to answer every question in monosyllables. Give some explanation to elaborate your answer or opinion.

  1. Do not lie: Big or small, a lie is a lie. Whatever the circumstances, avoid giving false statements and answers. The interviewer is more experienced than you are and can easily tell when you are lying.

  1. Avoid discussing salary: Unless you are asked about it, do not bring up the topic of remuneration. The motive of this round of interview is to judge whether you are suitable for the post. The discussion of compensation is taken up once you clear this level.

  1. Do not appear needy: Even if you need the job, do not make your desperation apparent during the interview.

  1. Avoid using conflicting words: Words like ‘stepping stone’, ‘non-team-player’, and so on are unsuitable for the occasion and should not be used.

  1. Avoid using slang language: Strictly control what you say during an interview. Choose your words wisely, dress appropriately, and show your passion to get the job. The last thing you want is to be blacklisted by the company and barred from applying for future job opportunities.

  1. Do not go over-prepared: This is not a contradictory statement. Writing answers to common questions and memorizing them by heart is a common practice. Such answers lack the conversational tone and you could be perceived as a parrot. 

  1.  Keep personal issues at bay: Sure, you are going through some tough times at home. But an interview room is not the place to discuss your family problems.