Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Exercise Mistakes Women Must Know

1. Wearing cotton

Cotton is undoubtedly very comfortable, but wearing your favourite cotton T-shirt while working out is not a very good option. This is because, cotton does not dry up easily once it absorbs sweat. As a result, it can cause irritation when rubbed continuously against your skin. Also, when you cool down, a damp cotton T-shirt can give you chills. So, better leave your cotton T-shirts at home, and wear only the ones made of moisture wicking fabrics.
2. Not wearing sports bra
You should never think of doing any exercise without wearing a sports bra. Breasts are made of mammary glands and fatty tissues, and working out without wearing an appropriate sports bra can lead to serious breast damage. It puts undue strain on the breast tissue, leading to pain and even premature sagging. Therefore, always wear a comfortable and right fit sports bra for exercise.

3. Wearing inappropriate tank tops

Tank tops are a perfect choice for exercise. They are comfortable and well-fitted. But, things can go wrong with a misfit tank top, especially when you have to bend for some exercise. So, while buying a tank top, do check its fitting properly from all the angles, so as to avoid an embarrassing moment during the training session.

4. Running at the same pace

Another big mistake which many women tend to make is that they stick to the same pace while running on the treadmill. Well, doing so for a long time will bear no result. Therefore, it is suggested to speed up a little in between. Switch to high-intensity mode for few minutes, and then go back to your regular pace. This way, your body’s ability to burn fat and build lean muscles will improve.
5. No weight training

Many women refrain from lifting weights because of the fear of bulking up and losing their feminine look. However, you need to understand that since women’s body does not produce testosterone (which is responsible mainly for increasing muscle mass), lifting some weights would not make you look bulky. So, it is the time to throw this misconception out of the window. In fact, the truth is that weight lifting will help you burn calories much faster than cardio. It is even beneficial for the health of your bones. So, when you hit the gym next time, don’t be afraid of picking up that set of dumbbells.
6. Not warming up

Stretching and warming up are as important as exercising. Although, these are not the adrenaline pumping parts of your workout, but they prevent injuries, and make your muscles longer and leaner. So, always warm up and stretch out before you start with your regular exercise routine. Doing it for about five minutes will also increase your capability of exercising rigorously.
7. Working out empty stomach

Many women think that working out on empty stomach will get them into shape faster. But that is a fallacy. Performing without any source of energy can be dangerous to your health. So, eat some fruits or a healthy snack, an hour before you start the exercise. Always keep water handy, and drink it before, in between, and after your workout, to keep yourself hydrated and to flush out toxins.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Exercise Mistakes for women

All those lovely ladies who are hitting the floor every day for a workout session, here are some possible mistakes you might be making while exercising:

Wearing cotton

Cotton is undoubtedly very comfortable, but wearing your favourite cotton T-shirt while working out is not a very good option. This is because, cotton does not dry up easily once it absorbs sweat. As a result, it can cause irritation when rubbed continuously against your skin. Also, when you cool down, a damp cotton T-shirt can give you chills. So, better leave your cotton T-shirts at home, and wear only the ones made of moisture wicking fabrics.

Not wearing sports bra

You should never think of doing any exercise without wearing a sports bra. Breasts are made of mammary glands and fatty tissues, and working out without wearing an appropriate sports bra can lead to serious breast damage. It puts undue strain on the breast tissue, leading to pain and even premature sagging. Therefore, always wear a comfortable and right fit sports bra for exercise.

Wearing inappropriate tank tops

Tank tops are a perfect choice for exercise. They are comfortable and well-fitted. But, things can go wrong with a misfit tank top, especially when you have to bend for some exercise. So, while buying a tank top, do check its fitting properly from all the angles, so as to avoid an embarrassing moment during the training session.

Running at the same pace

Another big mistake which many women tend to make is that they stick to the same pace while running on the treadmill. Well, doing so for a long time will bear no result. Therefore, it is suggested to speed up a little in between. Switch to high-intensity mode for few minutes, and then go back to your regular pace. This way, your body’s ability to burn fat and build lean muscles will improve.

No weight training

Many women refrain from lifting weights because of the fear of bulking up and losing their feminine look. However, you need to understand that since women’s body does not produce testosterone (which is responsible mainly for increasing muscle mass), lifting some weights would not make you look bulky. So, it is the time to throw this misconception out of the window. In fact, the truth is that weight lifting will help you burn calories much faster than cardio. It is even beneficial for the health of your bones. So, when you hit the gym next time, don’t be afraid of picking up that set of dumbbells.

Not warming up

Stretching and warming up are as important as exercising. Although, these are not the adrenaline pumping parts of your workout, but they prevent injuries, and make your muscles longer and leaner. So, always warm up and stretch out before you start with your regular exercise routine. Doing it for about five minutes will also increase your capability of exercising rigorously.

Working out empty stomach

Many women think that working out on empty stomach will get them into shape faster. But that is a fallacy. Performing without any source of energy can be dangerous to your health. So, eat some fruits or a healthy snack, an hour before you start the exercise. Always keep water handy, and drink it before, in between, and after your workout, to keep yourself hydrated and to flush out toxins.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Never Say While Quitting Job

Here are 19 things you should never say when you're resigning from a job:
"I'm leaving … today."  
Never quit without offering ample time for the company to complete the transition. "If you can offermore than two weeks, that reflects well on you, even though your company many not need it," Taylor says. "Also find out during your conversation how and when your boss wants you to communicate your departure with fellow employees."
"This is the worst company I have ever worked for."
"You're basically nailing the coffin shut on any opportunity to return to that company, or have the company be a positive reference," Manciagli says. "There is no upside to bashing the company you are exiting. None."
Instead you could say, "I believe I will be a better fit at another company."
"You don't know how to manage people."  
First, insults will get you nowhere. Second, it takes two people to be a great manager-employee team, Manciagli says.
You could say, "Although we both tried, our manager-subordinate relationship wasn't where it could have been." But best is to leave this out of the dialogue completely, she says.
"No one is happy here."  
Don't try to suggest the ship is going down with you. "Even if it's true, your coworkers won't appreciate it, and you're not their spokesperson," Taylor says. "If they're about to jump ship, that will be their task."
"Other people are getting promoted, and I'm going nowhere, so I'm leaving."
"It's sad that the person who says this has not yet learned that their progress through the corporate ladder has virtually nothing to do with peers," Manciagli says. "This is a person clearly not self-aware. They are taking no responsibility for their areas for improvement."
"The product is not up to par."
That won't win you any points, even if you feel you are being constructive. "Once you're parting ways, you're already perceived as a turncoat, so you don't want to suggest that you'll be badmouthing their product or service in the marketplace," Taylor says.
"I wasn't compensated fairly." / "This company's pay is not market-competitive."  
Don't make it about money. "A statement about your compensation, even though it may be true, will be perceived as a negative slam against the company in your future career endeavors," Taylor says. "This is a situation where you have to look at what you have to gain or, more specifically, lose by openly disparaging the employer's choices, even if they led to your dissatisfaction."
Manciagli agrees: "Unless you have done a statistically sound market study, then you do not know if your pay was market-competitive."  
If you feel strongly about mentioning your salary, you could try: "I was fortunate enough to find a position that gives my family and I some more breathing room, financially."
"I'm concerned about the company's future."
"Your vote of no confidence before you leave is like a block to the head before you smile and walk out," Taylor says. You're better off not sharing your misgivings and instead talking about the fact that you were seeking a different opportunity.
"He always blocked my progress on projects, and she was always rude and kept me out of the loop."  
Now is not the time to reveal issues you had with your coworkers, Manciagli says. "It's too late. You are resigning." This approach makes you look weak and blameful. "Just don't do it. Talk about yourself only," she suggests.
"I didn't have enough to do." / "I was always so bored."
This statement shows a lack of initiative, and you'll just be labeling yourself in their eyes as unmotivated. "Any blame placed on coworkers or your boss at this stage of the game is water under the bridge," Taylor says. "Your best strategy is to be concise, professional, and show gratitude for the opportunity."
"I kept my head down, did my job, and wasn't rewarded in any way."
News flash: Your paycheck and employment is your reward.
Manciagli says if you want more attention from your boss, such as thank-you emails or pats on the back, you should have communicated that. "Plus, excellence in our jobs is more than keeping our heads down. As a matter of fact, that strategy can backfire."
"I already told my cube mates, so now I'm ready to tell you …"
No matter how bad your relationship is with your boss, you need to respect their position and tell them about your plan to leave the company before you share that information with anyone else in the office. "And you need them to support you at some level," Manciagli says. "There is never a good outcome from telling others before the boss. There is no such thing as a secret!"
Make your decision in private, with your family and non-work friends in confidence. Then, make an appointment directly with your boss, she says.
"I have a much better offer from a way cooler company."
The last thing your soon-to-be ex-employer wants to hear now is how great your new employer will be. "Your best option is not to mention the company by name or discuss very much about them, other than the fact that they're a better fit for xyz reason," Taylor says.  
"I couldn't find you, so I'm leaving you a voice mail/email to let you know …"
Make every effort to meet in person when resigning. Something this important should not be left to an impersonal form of communication unless there's no other option. After you've met in person, Taylor recommends sending your boss a polite and positive formal letter of resignation. 
"Here's what's wrong with this job."
Don't offer unsolicited advice; it will appear haughty. "This is your opportunity to thank your employer for the training and opportunity," Taylor says.
"I am definitely/definitely not open to hearing your counteroffer."  
First of all, don't assume your employer will counter. And second, don't announce your decision about whether you're interested in hearing and considering it before they even initiate that conversation.
While experts tend to advise against accepting a counteroffer, it's usually worth at least some consideration.
"Good luck. This is a sinking ship."
This is a terrible thing to say. Manciagli says you should take the opposite approach, and leave off with something like, "I wish you and the company all the success going forward."
Taylor says it can be challenging to refrain from saying these things and to stick to a script when parting ways with a boss. "Resignation is often the culmination of weeks, months, or years of pent-up frustration, and so it's only natural that something will slip out that isn't politically correct." But if you remember to plan ahead, stay calm and dignified, and focus on preventing self-sabotage, it's possible to avoid these phrases. 


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Top Paying Jobs At Google

1. Senior software engineer
Salary: $152,985
Still, software engineers are at the top of the pack. Googles best software engineers make the most money at the company, and make nearly double what they make when they join the company as an intern.

2. Research scientist
Salary: $135,785
Google also employs a bunch of scientists in its research divisions. Google has fringe projects, like driverless cars, that need these employees.
The company also applies scientists to other products, like data engineering.

3. Research engineer
Salary: $140,039
Google also employs a bunch of research engineers. This might be more toward the hardware side of the company.

4. Product manager
Salary: $138,951
Product managers are the nexus point for every Google project. They interact with sales, software engineers, marketing managers, and just about every other piece of a project.
Some of Googles best products could not get off the ground without a good product manager.

5. Software research engineer
Salary: $126,916
Google also employs engineers to research new projects that might turn into significant Google products. Think something along the lines of Google Glass.

6. Site reliability engineer
Salary: $124,194
You can literally lose thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars if your site is down — even for a few seconds. Google isn making money if its search pages aren running smoothly.

7. Sales engineer
Salary: $119,603
Sales engineers help Googles customers solve key technical issues with whatever product they e deploying. This is especially important for companies that deploy Googles apps, like Gmail.

8. Software engineer
Salary: $118,994
Software engineers are Googles bread and butter. They make sure everything gets done and they crunch out code for all of Googles products, like search and Android.

9. Product marketing manager
Salary: $118,217
Product marketing managers determine what customers want and need out of a companys products. Its a little more research-heavy, and a key part of what makes Google tick.

10. User experience researcher
Salary: $112,536
While UI designers work on how the product looks, user experience (or UX) researchers make sure Google knows how its customers feel about the products. Thats how Google figures out which designs are working and which designs aren .

11. Network engineer
Salary: $107,534
Network engineers make sure everything is running smoothly at a companys intranet. You can check into code bases and communicate across the company effectively without a strong network.

12. User interface designer
Salary: $105,474
The UI designers are tasked with making all of Googles products beautiful.

13. Business analyst
Salary: $104,389
Google still has to employ some analysts to make sure its financial operations are running smoothly. Its a more quantitative role, so it requires a bit more expertise — but it also nets a higher salary.

14. Financial analyst
Salary: $103,244
The search giant needs financial analysts to make sure its reporting is accurate and it knows exactly how much money its making with specific products.

15. Database administrator
Salary: $100,327
Google has an enormous amount of data — and has to access it regularly to keep its search results up-to-date and accurate. While these administrators aren crunching away on new Google products, they e a key part of the team.

16. Senior account manager
Salary: $93,237
Some account managers make more money than engineering interns, but not more than traditional software engineers. Still, thats a pretty decent salary.

17. Software engineer intern
Salary: Between $70,000 and $90,000
Software engineering interns at Google actually make a decent amount of money, compared to sales and marketing staff. They e among some of the highest-paid interns in technology.

18. Account manager
Salary: $71,080
Account managers handle sales and marketing relationships with specific, bigger customers. A big chunk of Googles sales staff is based in New York.

19. AdWords associate
Salary: $56,400
Just above the traditional associate role is an AdWords associate — one of Googles largest ad platforms. These salespeople still make half of what most engineers make, though.

20. Associate, online sales and operations
Salary: $50,200
With engineers in charge at Google, sales and account managers are more or less at the bottom of the ladder. Associates are at the lowest rung, so they have the smallest salary.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Country Military Strength Top 10

1. United States

2. Russia

3. China

4. India

5. United Kingdom

6. France

7. Germany

8. Turkey

9. South Korea

10. Japan

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tips to Starting Own Company

Do a self-inventory.

Not everyone has what it takes to start a company. That’s not to say that your idea is not brilliant. It just means that you may not have the personality traits to handle launching a company of your own.
Before investing any time or resources, evaluate yourself and see if you have some the typical traits of an entrepreneur. Are you motivated, able to adapt and confident? Are you resilient?  

Develop an idea.

Don’t just start a business because something is in vogue and you think commercializing it will make money. Develop a business concept that you're passionate about related to something that you have experience with. From there, come up with a product or service that you believe can enhance the people’s lives.

Test the plausibility.

Once you’ve settled on an idea, figure out how you can make it become a reality. Is the product or service something that people want or need? Can you make a profit selling it? Does the product work?  
Write a business plan.
A solid business plan will guide you going forward. It’s also needed for presenting your idea to potential investors. Your business plan should include a mission statement, a company summary, an executive summary, a service or product offerings, a description of a target market, financial projections and the cost of the operation. Learn about how to write a business plan at SBA.gov.

Identify your market.

Even though you may have detected some interest in your business, you need to do more homework. Assess the market, targeting the customers most likely to make a purchase. Perform a competitive assessment. 

Determine the costs.

Do additional research and find out the standard cost factors within this industry. Not only will this help you manage your business more effectively, investors will want to know this. 

Establish a budget.

Once you determine how much money you’ll have to work with, figure out how much it will take to develop your product or service and create a marketing plan.
Find the right investors.
You’re going to need some sort of funding to start off, whether from your savings, credit cards, loans, grants or venture capitalists. Find an investor who shares your passion, someone you believe you can work with.

Listen to investors.

Whether you like it, investors do have a say in your company. And you need to listen to their advice or suggestion. But that doesn’t mean you have to do what they tell you.

Set up a great support system.

You’re going to be investing a lot of time and resources into your new business venture. Be certain that your family is on board. They must be aware that this process will be challenging financially and emotionally.

Determine the legal structure.

Settle on which form of ownership is best for you: a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company, a corporation, an S corporation, a nonprofit or a cooperative. Find out more at SBA.gov.
Select a business name.
Decide on a name that best suits your business. Then check to see if the domain name is available online, as well as if it’s free to use in your county, state and in the country. 

Register your business name.

If your proposed business name is available, register it with the county clerk, have it trademarked at the state and federal levels and secure a domain name.

Take advantage of free resources.

Numerous free resources can offer advice, training and assistance. SBA.gov is a great place to look at to find local resources.

Determine tax obligations.

Now it’s time to wrestle with the tax obligations. In the United States, four basic types of business taxes arise: income, self-employment, taxes for employees and excise taxes.

Secure permits and licenses.

According to NOLO, you’ll have to pick up a federal employment identification number (unless the company is a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company without employees.) Apply for state licenses. Pick up a local tax registration certificate. File for local permits, if required, such as a conditional use permit or zoning variance.

Buy insurance.

Make sure that you arrange for the proper insurance for your business. This will vary according to the type of business. If you’re working from home be sure that your homeowner’s insurance covers theft or damage to business assets, as well as liability for any business-related injuries.  

Set up the books.

Figure out if you’re using a cash or accrual system, determine the fiscal year for the business and set up a recordkeeping system.

Choose a business location.

Select a location that best fits the needs of your business, one that offers an opportunity for growth, the right level of competition and proximity to suppliers. It should also be accessible to customers.
Don’t worry about an office.
If you’re not making any revenue, then don't concern yourself with an office or warehouse ust yet.

A patent can wait.

Patents can cost thousands of dollars. Wait to pursue this route until you have a few customers paying the bills. A patent is less useful if you can't enforce it or have the money to see it through. 

Be flexible.

Chances are that your original idea will have to be modified. Being able to pivot and adapt to create what customers want will determine if your business will fail or succeed.

Share your ideas with friends and family.

Your nearest and dearest will most likely be the most honest with you about your business. Don’t hesitate to seek their advice and suggestions.

Ignore the naysayers.

At the same time, there’s a difference between constructive criticism and someone's quick jab projecting that your business will fail. Follow the example of French Internet mogul Xavier Niel and ignore them.
Don’t become angry.
If your idea is rejected by customers or investors, don't just succumb to anger. Find out what they didn’t like, make adjustments and go back to them when you’ve made the changes. There's the possibility that the timing was wrong as well.
Deliver the product or service fast.
Your business is a work in progress and if you launch your product or service quickly, you will be able to build a community of customers who can provide valuable feedback that can help you improve the offerings. In the words of LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, "If you're not embarrassed by your first product release, you've released too late

Offer new products or services.

If you already have customers, be sure to hold on to them by providing new products or services.

Be patient.

Always keep in mind that success won’t happen overnight. It’s going to take some time before you make a profit.

Overdeliver at first.

Once you land a new client, be sure to go above and beyond the call of duty for at least the first month. You’ll have this customer hooked from then on.
Blog all the time.
Don’t be ashamed to share both your triumphs and struggles. Customers will enjoy your honesty.

Avoid fights with partners

If you have disagreements with partners, then sever ties as soon as possible. In-house bickering will prevent you from focusing on growing the business.

Don’t worry about dilution.

So an investor has required a stake in the company. Recognize the fact that eventually at one point or another you'll have to give up some control of the business. Accept it and move on.

Hire a copywriter.

Unless you’re an excellent writer, hire a copywriter to compose emails for highly targeted customers. A copywriter will also prove handy for press releases and other pieces to spread brand awareness or provide business updates.
Prepare for meetings.
When preparing for a meeting with a client, read up on everything that’s available, steeping yourself in information about the industry, that firm's employees and its competition.

Don’t fear the competition.

Don’t bad-mouth the competition when talking to investors or customers. There’s no need to become an object of pity. In fact, talking in this manner might even point customers to a competitor who may offer a product or service that you don’t. Remember, when competition exists, there’s a market for your business. Use that knowledge as inspiration to outperform a rival.

Benefit from word-of-mouth.

Nothing beats some good old-fashioned word-of-mouth marketing. Let friends, family members and influencers in your field spread the word about your product or service.
Don’t be afraid to get out there and show your face to the public, whether at a conference or just being out and about with friend on a Friday night. But try to stay local because travel can dwindle your budget.

Provide outstanding customer service.

Interacting with people is a big part of the job. Your business may gain new customers because you made them feel important. For example, Zappos wasn’t the first online store to sell shoes, but the company perfected its customer-service department and won over shoppers.

Be sure your website functions.

Potential customers want to know as much about your business as possible and they should be able to quickly access that kind of information on your website.

Don’t be overly concerned by the economy.

Some of the best businesses have launched during a recession. In fact, half of the Fortune 500 companies listed in 2009 were founded during such times, according to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

Make sure clients pay their bills.

Always be certain to receive payment for your products or services. Instead of being taken advantage of of, establish a time frame for payment. It also wouldn’t hurt to accept credit cards and have an online payment system set up.
Find the right employees.
Hire the right people for the job. Even though it's your business, you won't be skilled at every task, which is why you need qualified people to complete the work.

Assign responsibilities.

Eelegate attainable tasks to employees. This is all about effective management.

Know that honesty is the best policy.

If any issues with employees emerge, be sure that they are addressed. No one enjoys being talked about behind their back.

Remember that opposites attract.

Hire people with skills and personalities that are the opposite to yours. They’ll challenge you and will bring different skills and talents to the business that you don't.
Say goodbye to your social life.
You’re going to spend a lot of time devoted to the business. Even if you plan a night out, you may leave early because a lightbulb just went off. Hopefully those closest in your life will understand.

Recognize that you'll be the final person to be paid.

As the CEO, you’re the last to collect a check. That’s just how it works until there’s adequate revenue.

Arrive at a useful definition of success.

Just because your business hasn’t made you a millionaire (yet) doesn’t mean that your enterprise is a failure. If you’re able to make some sort of profit doing something that you’re passionate about, isn’t that a success story?

Realize when it's time to move on.

Failure is inevitable. If things aren’t working out and you’ve done all you can, then put aside your pride and close up shop. Something like this is not easy to accept. But it’s for the best.

Don’t just rely on the advice of others.

Despite my offering up all of these tips for you, perhaps the most important piece of advice is something learned the hard way: While many people may offer a startup assiistance, recognize that in the end you’re the person running the show and the one responsible for the company's success and failure. If you understand what worked and what didn’t, you’ll burnish the skills and knowledge to run your business. 
