Friday, July 25, 2014

Top Miserable Countries 2014

1. Venezuela I Misery Index: 79.4 I Major Contributing Factor: Inflation

2. Iran I Misery Index: 61.6 I Major Contributing Factor: Inflation

3. Serbia I Misery Index: 44.8 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

4. Argentina I Misery Index: 43.1 I Major Contributing Factor: Inflation

5. Jamaica I Misery Index: 42.3 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

6. Egypt I Misery Index: 38.1 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

7. Spain I Misery Index: 37.6 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

8. South Africa I Misery Index: 37.4 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

9. Brazil I Misery Index: 37.3 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

10. Greece I Misery Index: 36.4 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

11. Macedonia I Misery Index: 35.7 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

12. Palestinian Territory I Misery Index: 32.9 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

13. Turkey I Misery Index: 32.7 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

14. Cyprus I Misery Index: 30.7 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

15. Croatia I Misery Index: 30.5 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

16. Dominican Republic I Misery Index: 29.8 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

17. Georgia I Misery Index: 27.7 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

18. Nicaragua I Misery Index: 27.0 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

19. Honduras I Misery Index: 26.8 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

20. Costa Rica I Misery Index: 25.6 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

21. India I Misery Index: 25.6 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

22. Jordan I Misery Index: 25.3 I Major Contributing Factor: Unemployment

23. Ukraine I Misery Index: 24.4 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

24. Peru I Misery Index: 23.9 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate

25. Uruguay I Misery Index: 23.8 I Major Contributing Factor: Interest Rate


Monday, July 21, 2014

Daily Smarter Tactic

Here are to become a smarter.
Come up with 10 ideas every day. Think about how to reduce poverty, how to solve a daily problem you have, interesting movie ideas, or anything. It doesn't matter what subject your ideas fall into, as long as you're working your brain and your idea muscles. Your list might even lead to a new startup idea or writing subject. 
Read the newspaper. It will help you become more aware of the important things happening around the word. You'll learn to form your own opinions and connect the dots between seemingly unrelated things. You'll also have a lot more to talk about at parties or with friends. 
Play devil's advocate. Take something you recently learned and generate a unique opinion on it that wouldn't immediately come to mind. Try to support it with evidence, and be open to the idea that new evidence will change your opinion. Repeat this every day, and you'll become much better at thinking outside the box.
If you're feeling stuck, try reading and critically evaluating the editorial section of papers . They will help you understand how other people form arguments and express their opinions. 
Read a chapter in a fiction or non-fiction book. Aim t o read a b oo k a week. Yo u can al ways find pockets of time to read, whether on your daily commute or while you're waiting in line. Goodreads is a great way to keep track of everything you read and to also find a community of other readers.
Fiction books are great for understanding characters and getting absorbed into another perspective, while non-fiction books are great for introducing you to new topics, from politics to psychology. 
Instead of watching TV, watch educational videos. Sometimes, it's more fun to watch things about a subject you love than to read about it, and you can learn a lot from other people's experiences.
You can find fun, educational videos on Khan Academy or watch TED talks. You can also find good ones on Youtube's channel SmarterEveryDay. In videos, the information is often presented in a digestible, memorable way, so you can be assured they'll stick. 
Subscribe to feeds of interesting information. Follow interesting voices on Facebook and Twitter, so you'll always learn something new when you look at your newsfeed or dashboard.  For example, if you want to keep up with the latest news in science and technology, subscribe to the "I Fucking Love Science" page on Facebook.  You can also follow email newsletters, such as Cal Newport's Study Hacks and Today I Found Out. 
Check in with your favorite knowledge sources. Ever y day, scroll through Quora, Stack Overflow, specialty blogs, or any other sources that satiate your hunger for knowledge. This is an extremely easy habit, because other users are curating the content for you, so all you have to do is follow the ones who write about topics interesting to you. Try using Pocket to save articles for later reading, and then try to get through them before going to sleep at night. 
Share what you learn with other people. If you find someone to debate and analyze ideas with, you can add to each other's knowledge and gain new perspectives. Also, when you can explain ideas to someone else, it means you've definitely mastered the concept . You can even share what you learn without directly talking to someone. Many people like to start blogs so they can engage others in online dialogue. 
Make two lists: a list of work-related skills you want to learn now and a list for things you want to achieve in the future. Google Docs is a  convenient way to keep track of your lists. For both, decide what you want to learn, compile sources that will teach you these skills, and then work on them each day.
For example, if you work in a computer-science related field, your first list might suggest you learn something new in Python one day or that you try using MongoDB another day.
For your second list, you can think about long-term goals, such as whether you want to go into marketing or architecture. Write down the small steps you need to take to reach that goal, whether it's by reading the experts in those fields or taking classes at a local college. 
Make an "I Did" list. At the end of each day, write down what you completed. This will help you feel better about all the things you accomplished, especially if you're feeling discouraged. It will also help you reflect on how productive you were and how you can re-structure your to-do lists for the next day. —
Write down what you learn. You can start a blog or use an app like Inkpad to help you keep track of everything you learn. Not only will this be a great way to keep a record of everything you're doing, but it's also a good source of motivation to keep you accountable. You will want to learn more if you know that at the end of the day you'll have to write about it. 
Stimulate your mind. Going on a daily run is a great way to get your brain flowing and to keep your mental health in shape. It's also a great way to think through difficult decisions or process new information. 
Take online courses. Check out this list of the most popular online courses for professionals. Make sure you don't overload yourself; commit to one to two and truly focus on them. The syllabi will also keep you on track, so you know you will be doing something every day, whether it's listening to a lecture or working on an assignment.   
Talk to someone you find interesting. Even if they're strangers, don't be afraid to approach them. Ask about their interests and how they discovered them. Oftentimes, you learn the most from people you barely know. 
Hang out with people who are smarter than youSpend as much time as you can with smart people. Every day, you should strive to have a coffee date or walk with someone who inspires you.
Always be humble and willing to learn. Ask as many questions as possible. If you are always around people who are more knowledgeable than you, you'll have no choice but to learn more. 
Follow your questions. If you see or hear about something cool, don't just let the moment pass. Follow up — pursue your curiosity and find the answer to your question. 
Use a word-of-the-day app. You will increase your vocabulary, which can help you in competitive tests like the SAT or GRE, or even just sound more eloquent in daily interactions.
You can also try to learn new vocabulary in a different language. Every day, try to add five to 10 more words to the foreign language you are trying to pursue. You can use LiveMocha, Basuu, or DuoLingo.  
Do something scary. "Getting out of our comfort zone always makes us wiser." Every day, push yourself a little further. Try public speaking by joining a ToastMasters class, lead a meeting by volunteering a proposal at work, or reach out to someone you really admire by sending a quick letter or email. 
Explore new areas. If you can't travel every day, at least try to find something new within your hometown. You'll meet different people, learn new facts, and understand something new about the world. It's a lot more productive than staying at home and watching TV. 
Play "smart" games. Some games, like  chess and Scrabble,  expand your mind. Challenge yourself when you play them. For example, play Scrabble without a dictionary. You can also solve puzzles via games like Sudoku, 2048, and Doors. 
Set aside some time to do nothing. Oftentimes, sitting in silence can help you get inspiration and reflect on your day. 
Adopt a productive hobby. If you have something you can work on every day, from knitting to fly fishing, you can actively learn more just from doing. For instance, you may try to play a new piece of music every day, read a physics textbook, write a few more pages in your novel, or learn a new computer skill. 
Apply what you learn. If you recently learned a new coding skill or how to play an instrument, make sure you are using that skill in your life as often as possible. Learning by doing is one of the most effective ways to become smarter. 


Friday, July 4, 2014

Background Processes in Android

StoryAlbum - Never touched it to know what it is.

ChatOn - Like any other messenger service it will run in the background. It's an always on chat service, like Hangouts, Skype, etc and millions use it. It's just not that popular stateside.

WatchOn - Looks for TV show suggestions based on what you've been watching (via likes or channel changing). Will occasionally display notifications with these suggestions or reminders for a show.

Samsung Apps - Same reason Google Play always runs. App checks and all that fun stuff. Some items are available through Samsung Apps only, and not Google Play.

Samsung Link - Part of the ecosystem used for media sharing to other devices. I.E. sending pics to a PC or TV, or using your PC to browse your mobile pics.

Software Update - Can't tell ya. Not running on mine.

ELM Agent - Emulated Legacy Mount for multi-user support

Unified Daemon (EUR) - Related to background downloads, usually stock apps/widgets.

PageBuddyNotiSvc - Part of the Notification services. Some launchers can access the levels of it, allowing the disabling of individual parts of it. One is the ever annoying recommended apps that appears when you plug in headphones.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tips and Tricks for Samsung Galaxy S4 Overheating

Ventilation 101
Every high-powered smartphone including Galaxy S4 can produce too much heat due to its processor and it is best advised to play or use high-powered apps in a well-ventilated or cool area. Cooler temperature reduces heat and even helps minimise battery consumption.
Watching Room Temperature
Never leave your Galaxy S4 inside a car which traps heat that will bring the smartphone to a boil. High temperature will weaken the performance of your smartphone and can affect battery life expectations.
No Solar Panels Yet
Galaxy S4 is not immune to sunlight and doesn't recycle its power so never leave it on surfaces with direct sunlight to avoid damaging the battery and accumulating heat.
Leave it Recharging
Playing high-graphics gaming apps while recharging can cause overheating which may become harmful to you. Leave the smartphone to recharge before playing again or turn on the air-conditioning if you have one to manage heat.
Casings Out
If your Galaxy S4 uses casing or similar accessories, remove it during heavy playtime or recharging to allow heat to escape more effectively. Accessories such as those can trap most of the heat on the device.
Checking Voltage
Some electric sockets may have varied voltage than can cause fast recharge or otherwise. Fast recharging can be good but uncontrolled voltage may cause too much heat; try recharging your Galaxy S4 on sockets or extension cords that manages voltage.
Free Up Some Memory
Too much running on the RAM can also cause overheating problems since the device keeps handling so many things at a time. Uninstall or disable unnecessary apps, reboot the device regularly or use the built-in Task Manager to app to free memory.
Internet Connection
Browsing and Web streaming require data processing which means, more tasks for the processor to do. More processing also points to more heat generated by the CPU cores and since Galaxy S4 can have up to 8 cores depending on which variant, overusing Internet functions can lead to overheating.
Minimise Lights
Brightness on the display may contribute heat especially if it's too high. Manually configure the brightness level according to your comfort or use dark coloured wallpapers to reduce needs of the screen to produce light. Moreover, video light in use can also contribute more heat.
Galaxy S Features
Some apps from Galaxy S4 perform multi-tasking and it can allow you to do two things at once. But manage how you use them and only if necessary for multi-tasking requires more processing leading to more heat generation.
Use Newer SD Cards
SD cards may contribute to almost half of overheating issues known with Galaxy S4 and it is recommended to buy newer ones then throw away the old microSD cards. Older cards forces the S4 to translate old, corrupted and worn out data that causes the processors to do more than usual.
TouchWiz Services
Samsung added too many features on the TouchWiz and some of them are not usable for everyday living. Turn on only those that you truly need and leave others quite to help save battery life, memory and reduce processing needs.
Wireless Radios
Disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC and mobile data if you are not using them to prevent battery drain and reduce heat.
Clearing Data
Sometimes, clearing data and cache may help reduce overheating issue related to processing and loading. Go to "Settings > Application manager > Select an app > Clear data and clear cache."
Using Customised ROM
If you don't mind letting go of TouchWiz UI, use custom ROMs which features tweaks that help memory management, performance and power optimisation. Custom ROMs usually have bigger free space for they only use basic services that can help reduce overheating crisis.

Tips and Tricks for Samsung Galaxy S4

Brightness Level and Control
Screen consumes 50 per cent of the total battery consumption on every smartphone and it is recommended to manage the brightness to reduce it. Go to the device's settings and activate the "Automatic Brightness" feature which detects the surrounding and adapts the device to produce adequate brightness. If this feature consumes battery as well due to its sensor, manually set the brightness which your eyes are comfortable with.
Email and Accounts
Without your knowledge, email apps and accounts continuously drain battery life as they attempt to sync and drag data on your phone. If you are not using email often, go to the application then inside the settings configure the syncing frequency to "never" or "manual." For other accounts such as Facebook and Twitter, go inside the application's setting and apply the same. Alternatively, you can go to the device's settings and disable the auto-sync feature.
Check Applications
Regularly monitor your applications to see which one eats the most out of the battery. Go to "Settings > Battery" to view which app is the culprit. You can install some apps you do not need anymore or disable ones you are not using. It will dramatically improve the battery life and even free the RAM.
Reducing Screen Timeout
Aside from the brightness level, the screen timeout also eats a lot on the battery and it is suggested to reduce the timeout. Select the screen timeout duration according to your desire to save more juice on the battery.
Disabling Wireless Connectivity
If you are not using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC and mobile data, disable them to prevent them from draining the battery. Turn off the mobile data connection when there is an available Wi-Fi and select 3G connectivity instead of 4G if it's stable enough for Internet use.
Airplane Mode
Do not let the Galaxy S4 search for network coverage if none is available; activate the Airplane Mode when needed. If you are in a vacation, inside an area covered with thick walls or areas out of coverage, enable the Airplane Mode to save more energy. The antennae constantly look for network coverage if there is nothing to find and sadly, no signal means more battery is consumed. In addition, you can turn on the Airplane Mode to reset the network to improve its signal coverage.
Task Manager
Samsung Galaxy S4 has a task manager on its own and use to kill applications you are not using anymore. Hold and press the "Home" key and swipe left or right to remove applications on the task manager.
Use the "Back" Key
When leaving or closing applications, use the "back" key instead of the "home" button to close them or it will eat the battery and memory without you knowing. The "home" button leaves the application running in the foreground and it is only advised to use it if you are not yet finished.
Charge the Galaxy S4 Correctly
Proper charging is a little complicated that you think and it helps boost the battery life to keep it running for a long time. Avoid depleting the battery frequently and charge it once notified by the device. Once a month you can completely deplete the battery then recharge it without interruption for optimal performance. But be reminded that improper draining may damage the battery pack, so once the device reaches 5 per cent, maximise the brightness, leave the screen on, turn off wireless connection and do not launch games or play multimedia files to drain it.
Watch the Temperature
Hot temperature drains battery quicker and Lithium-ion batteries are not resilient with it. Avoid direct sunlight hitting the device, keep in cool but dry surface and never ever leave the smartphone inside your car overnight.
12. Wallpapers
Live wallpapers are beautiful and stunning but it adds to the screen consumption on the battery and so it is advised to use static wallpapers especially if your charger is away from you. Samsung Galaxy S4 has a Super AMOLED screen display and saves more battery if your wallpaper is darker.
Third-Party Applications
Be careful on installing third-party applications which may affect battery performance. Some applications are poorly written such as task managers or battery savers which in the long run do the opposite instead of relieving the device. Use Samsung's built-in task manager and power saving tool even if don't like it. Other apps may also cause system glitch, so regularly check their memory and battery consumption.
Power Saving Mode
Whenever your Galaxy S4 is running low on battery, activate the "Power Saving" mode on the notifications shade. It will disable wireless connections, stop background apps syncing, reduce brightness, reduces screen timeout and more to save energy. In addition, you can configure which functions are to be disabled by the power saver app.
Galaxy S Features
Samsung exclusive features are wonderful but not all of them are useful in everyday task. So turn the features which are not important to you to juice more battery on your smartphone.
Monitor Wi-Fi Hotspot
Hotspot allows your smartphone to distribute its Internet connection to other devices but it consumes a lot of power more than you think. Monitor the hotspot and turn it off when no one needs sharing.
Reboot Regularly
Whenever you recharge your phone, reboot it to free up RAM and kill some background applications. Apps constantly running on your device are leftovers of everything you have done within the day and restarting can refresh the phone.
Update the Firmware
Always look for updates from Samsung and install them when you have a chance. Bug fixes and battery improvements are usually included in the new firmware and some apps are optimised better on the system.
Quite Mode during Sleep
Use either the Airplane Mode or turn of the sounds when you are asleep and not expecting any calls during the night. Turn the brightness level to its minimum as well to sustain the current battery level till the next day.
Camera Video Light
Video light on the camera eats a lot of battery during video recording and the environment have sufficient lighting, turn the light off.
Compressing Data
Some browsers can compress data which is helpful on the battery during transfers and Web page loading. If you are using Google Chrome, launch the app and go to "Settings > Bandwidth Management > Reduce Data Usage."
Factory Reset
If all else fail, reset the device instead to renew the system. Use the Factory Reset inside the settings to reformat the device which will erase everything. So create a backup of applications, contacts, messages, personal settings and data files before resetting the phone.