Saturday, October 30, 2010

How to Negotiate a Higher Salary

While the pay for junior-level positions is typically fixed, mid- to senior-level employees and managers have more flexibility to negotiate their salaries. Here are eight tips from recruiters and human-resource managers that can help improve your chances of snagging a high salary.

Before starting a salary conversation, you should be up-to-date on in your industry.

1. Research, research, research

To get a better salary, begin by figuring out what's the highest you can get. "Do good homework on what are the prevailing salaries for a similar role in the industry," says Sanjay Pandit, managing director of recruiting firm Manpower Services India.

This is easier said than done, because companies don't exactly publish their pay scales in the newspaper.

Ask your friends or trustworthy colleagues about potential salaries for someone with your relevant experience and skills. If you are working through a recruiting company, they might be able to give you a range.

Finally, you can try using networking web sites like LinkedIn to connect with people in the field or company you are applying to, who in turn could provide you with some guidance.

It might help to dig through the annual reports of the company you are applying to and read recent news reports, in order to figure out how the company is doing financially. A larger and more successful company can afford to pay higher salaries than a smaller or struggling one.

2. Curb your eagerness

As with any negotiation, if you convey your eagerness for something, you lose your bargaining power. "Whoever shows more interest always gets less," says Sanjay Muthal, managing director of executive search firm NuGrid Consulting Pvt. Ltd., in Mumbai.

Candidates need to strike a balance between appearing interested in the particular job, and not appearing too eager.

Mr. Muthal advises talking about macro issues such as the role you're applying for and potential responsibilities, rather than discussing the nitty-gritty of expected pay. "If you generate a terrific impression, then salary follows," he says.

3. Wait to be asked

Candidates should not begin the salary discussion because that makes them "come across as being too money-minded," says Zak Parker, regional HR director of North Africa, Middle East & Southern Asia for security services firm G4S PLC.

Wait for the company to start the salary negotiation. It might help to delay the discussion till all interview rounds are over. The further along you are in the interview process, the more interested the hiring managers would be in you. That puts you in a better position to ask for a higher salary, because the manager might go back to the human resources team or the budgeting team to ask for more money for you.

4. Be honest

Sooner or later, the interviewing company will ask for your current salary. Employers now extensively use background checks to fact-check the information you give, so don't be foolish enough to fudge your salary. "You'll get caught very quickly and easily," says Mr. Parker.

5. What's the right hike?

Experts say that in the current market environment, an increase of 20% to 30% above your current salary is reasonable to ask. However, in industries or positions that have a talent shortage, such as life sciences, or even some jobs in the information-technology industry, you could get as much as double the salary. Here's where your research will come handy.

Also, don't be shy in asking for high salary. "Many times I've seen people who are very shy when it comes to salary," says Mr. Pandit of Manpower. Sometimes candidates say "I have no expectations, you give me whatever you want…", or "I'm sure you will take care of me," he says.

However, these people often end up getting disappointed, and sometimes walk away at the last minute. That can hurt them in the long run, says Mr. Pandit, because "the world is small."

6. The first discussion

If the company comes back to you with a first salary offer which is below your expectations, don't immediately give in.

The fact that the company has made you an offer is a good sign, because it shows they really want you. Try one of the following ways to get them to increase their offer.

Start by saying something like: "I'd really like to work for you, but the financials are not really working out," says Mr. Parker. "Is there a possibility that we can look at this again?"

You could talk about how you are happy in your current job, and the only reason you are interviewing for this position is because you are attracted to the role. You could highlight what the market value is for a person with your skills and experience, or the value you've brought to your current employer.

One commonly used tactic is to say that you are talking to one or two other companies for a position as well; companies can't usually verify that.

7. Ask for perks

Often, companies have a salary range fixed for different designations, and they may not be comfortable making an exception for one employee.

In that case, you could try asking for additional perks that could help indirectly boost your salary. Companies often prefer one-time perks, such as a signing bonus or a fixed bonus, and suggest asking for a possible raise or re-evaluation within a year or less.

 8. Be ready to walk away

Sometimes companies may propose to you a particular salary and say: "Take it or leave it". Unless you are in dire need of the job, Mr. Muthal suggests walking away, though at good terms. "Nine out of ten times, you will hear back" from the company, says Mr. Muthal.

Of course, this is a risky tactic because there's a chance that you might not hear back at all!

Top 10 dream employers 2010

The inaugural Dream Employers survey, run by RedBalloon and Insync asked people in Australia and New Zealand to nominate their dream employer.

The top 10 are:

1. Google

2. Virgin

3. Self-employment

4. Apple

5. Qantas

6. Walt Disney

7. OMD

8. Sydney Water

9. Getaway

10. Coca-Cola

OMD is a global communications organisation, which has been named the "most creative media agency in the world" for the fifth year in a row, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

74 per cent of respondents saying they love the idea of working for themselves. The reasons - yearning for greater flexibility, the thrill of working in an area of personal interest and the potential to earn more money.

According to the respondents, nothing is more important than a company's reputation; a bland brand is a turn-off. An organisation's culture is the second-most attractive feature, and the ability of an employer to provide an adequate work/life balance comes in at third.

Monday, October 25, 2010

6 Qualities Your Future Husband MUST Have

No matter what your guy's personality is, there are certain characteristics he has to have if you're destined for love and marriage. Check this checklist before you head to the altar.

Hubby Quality: He's Honest
Even if he's a car salesman (aka professional liar) by day, he has to speak the truth (the whole truth and nothing but the truth) with you. Sure, there are certain occasions that warrant white lies, like if he's trying to surprise you with an engagement ring or protect your feelings ("No, I didn't notice that zit"). At all other times, though, he has to be straight with you--and not keep secrets from you.

Hubby Quality: He's Got Your Back
My relationship may not have made it to a wedding day if Paul didn't stand up for me when his family gave me a hard time during our engagement. Yes, Paul calls me out on it when he thinks I'm doing something wrong, but he always hears me out, supports my (carefully thought-out) decisions, and sides with me when sides have to be taken. It's a good feeling--and a key ingredient to a successful marriage.

Hubby Quality: He's Fun
Whether your idea of a good time is parking yourself on the couch to watch reality TV or parking the car by a cliff to bungee jump, your future husband's gotta bring it. This is the man you're spending the rest of your life with; if you don't enjoy being with him now while you're young, how high-quality will your quality time be thirty years from now? Not every second will be bliss, unfortunately, but most moments with your man should make you happy.

Hubby Quality: He's Willing to Work
Maybe you want to be the breadwinner. As they said in the 90s, "You go girl!" But in unsteady economies (like, uh, this one), you both have to be up for earning. A lazy-bones for a hubby can mean bad things for your checking account and the children you may decide to have.

Hubby Quality: He Uses His Words
Some guys have an easier time sharing their feelings than others. Regardless of where your man falls on the expressive spectrum, he better speak his messages--and not hit, kick, or punch them. I know you know this already, but I'll remind you anyway: Violence has no place in love and marriage.

Hubby Quality: He Loves You Unconditionally
It's cool if your guy was initially attracted to your pretty face or beautiful bod. But he has to love much more than that if he's the man you marry. Looks fade over time--or can change in an instant. A shallow guy doesn't make much of a husband.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

7 must-know sex secrets

Guys, here's your chance to know the seven sex secrets women wish their partner knew

A good talk is a great aphrodisiac
Many women find talk a great turn-on. For them, talking and feeling loved are very important. Good conversation during walks or while the couple is relaxing can be a great aphrodisiac. A man could tell his woman how much he loves her, which acts as a reassurance that he is with her mentally during those intimate moments.

Many women are anxious about their looks
For a couple that has been together for long, sometimes it is natural that women may feel that their partner may find them less alluring. Because of this some women undress only under the cover of darkness. Caring men can sense such anxieties. There is no need to lie and say she's gorgeous if she isn't, nor is there a need to say that she is not attractive anymore. One can always appreciate and praise what you do find attractive.

For a woman sex isn't separate from rest of her life
On the other hand, men tend to compartmentalise, feeling that stressful aspects of life can be parked mentally and separated from sexual activity. Women need good feelings and experiences during the day to have satisfying sex. How her lover treats her out of bed, greatly influences her response in bed. Inattentiveness, harsh language, rude tones, hurtful words, and criticism can make it difficult for a woman to get involved, feel enthusiastic and be passionate during sex.

An orgasm is not a necessity
Many men feel that a good lover is one who can bring his woman to climactic sexual culmination. It is great to have such moments, but aren't always essential. Many women feel pressure from partners and even from themselves to reach an orgasm. Sometimes instead of having orgasms, women prefer to engage in just foreplay.

Sex need not be a serious act
Playfulness is a great quality. Many men are far too serious about sex. They forget to laugh, be romantically mischievous, have fun. Playfulness and light-heartedness can make intimate moments enjoyable and relaxing. This takes performance pressure off from both partners.

Women cherish non-sexual touching and tenderness
Women love romance, cuddling, hand-holding and kissing. But many women complain that their men never do this except during foreplay. A woman should make her man realise the joy of touching. As you give him a relaxing massage and stroke his face and hair tenderly, he starts experiencing the joy of this kind of non-sexual touching. Tell your man what makes you feel loved.

Warm attention after sex is important
A woman's need for tender moments goes beyond the actual lovemaking. Some women complain that men fall asleep immediately after the act. It is true that when a man is having sex, his endorphin level is very high. Almost immediately after ejaculation, he goes through a refractory phase where he loses his erection and all his systems gear down. In females this phase happens gradually. However, if you don't like him falling asleep immediately, tell him without putting him down. Alternatively, let him sleep in your arms for a few minutes and gently wake him up afterwards.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Failure doesn't mean - "You are a failure,"
It means - You have not succeeded.

Failure doesn't mean - "You accomplished nothing,"
It means - You have learned something.

Failure doesn't mean - "You have been a fool,"
It means - You had a lot of faith.

Failure doesn't mean - "You don't have it,"
It means - You were willing to try.

Failure doesn't mean - "You are inferior,"
It means - You are not perfect.

Failure doesn't mean - "You've wasted your life,"
It means - You have a reason to start afresh.

Failure doesn't mean - "You should give up,"
It means - "You must try harder.

Failure doesn't mean - "You'll never make it,"
It means - It will take a little longer.

Failure doesn't mean - "God has abandoned you,"
It means - God has a better way for you.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

14 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Happy

People are so quick to just exit out of a relationship without even trying.  But here's a theory - how about learning to keep things happy before problems arise, learning small everyday things that can keep little stresses away?  Isn't that a novel idea?   I thought so, which is why I created this list of items that have helped me personally.  I'm not saying that I have the fairytale relationship but after 13 years I have learned that the small yet simple gestures seem work well.

1. Communicate-not just about your feelings- but about your day.  Share stories with one another about what is going on at work or in a friend's life; share what you saw on the news or in a magazine with your significant other if you found it interesting.  Discussing regular day to day occurrences is just as important as staying in tune with each others' feelings.  It keeps you in tune with your spouse on a daily basis.

2. Take showers together- it doesn't have to be sexual!  My husband and I have done this from the beginning of our relationship, did it start out sexual?  Probably.  But over time it became an intimate thing, just extra time that we can spend together catching up on the day- it just happens that we are naked and in the shower!

3. Go to the park and swing, slide or just play-it's a young and fun thing to do.  It keeps you playful and is a great way to relieve stress.  Real life can get so with overwhelming with work, kids, bills, laundry, chores- sometimes a play break is what's needed to alleviate all of that, even if it's only for half an hour.

4. Take walks-morning walks are a great way to start your day, not a morning person?  Take an evening walk.  Getting fresh air and exercise together is good for your health and the health of your relationship.  Walking relieves stress, keeps you fit and allows quality time to be spent together.

5. Date nights-put everything on hold for an hour or two and plan on just doing something alone with your spouse.  It can be dinner, a walk, the mall, whatever, just make the time for just the two of you with no one else around, catch up on your day or week or just joke around and have fun.  But making time for just the two of you is important.

6. Play video games or wrestle-a healthy dose of competition is always good and it can be an entertaining way to not only have fun but a great stress buster as well.  Just don't take it too seriously and be a sore loser because that would defeat the whole purpose.

7. Have sex-even if you don't want to, you need to keep the sexual chemistry between you and your significant other alive.  Being intimate and showing your love for one another is a significant part of your union.

8. Hold hands- it may seem insignificant; however, this small but intimate gesture shows that you care about each other even when you are doing something simple like walking from the car to the grocery store.

9. Give praise-telling your significant other that they are great at something can be a huge ego boost.  It shows that you care and that you pay attention and like the way he/she does something.  It's always nice to know that your spouse appreciates the things you do and the way you do them.

10. Be thankful-a simple thank you for taking the trash out, taking the kids to school, fixing that faucet or simply being a great spouse goes a long way.  Letting someone know that you are thankful for what they do means a lot.

11. Have time apart-couples don't need to spend 24/7 together.  Spending time away with the girls or the guys makes you appreciate one another.  Have your own lives apart from one another. Schedule dinners or mini vacations if you can to keep up with friends.

12. Don't always nag-if you start nagging too much you will create resentment.  Reminding someone of something a few times is one thing but becoming obnoxious about it will produce hostility and that's not the outcome that you are looking for.  Take a different approach, ask nicely, explain what you need done and by when.  The nicer you are the better.

13. Share advice-you never know when great, unexpected advice can come about.  My husband and  I work in two totally different professions yet we manage to swap advice on work all the time.  The advice does not have to be work related, it can be about the kids, the chores, money management, it doesn't matter, be open to sharing different ideas.

14. Pick and choose your battles-Over the years I have learned that life is short and arguments are lame.  Now I only get mad at things that I feel are truly important.  I've learned to pick and choose my battles.  Everyone will have that one battle that they choose to fight, just choose it carefully.  Just think "is this really worth getting mad about?  Will I still be mad about it this tomorrow morning?  Will I even remember this next week?"  Most of the time the answer is no.  I've learned that this approach makes for a healthier and happier relationship and definitely causes less stress.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tips for a healthy heart

A strong heart is a result of healthy lifestyle choices. Be active and stress-free

Today's fast-paced life and workplace pressures escalate stress levels, taking a toll on one's heart. We must realise that the healing power of the body decreases when under stress, leading to many complications like hypertension and poor immunity. Today, even youngsters are prone to heart ailments. So, it's very important to stay healthy and manage your stress levels by understanding the risk factors — high cholesterol levels, stressful lifestyle, smoking, and lack of exercise — following simple changes in lifestyle.

Avoid smoking
Smoking reduces life expectancy by 15-25 years. If you are a smoker, you are twice more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker. The moment you stop smoking, the risk of heart attack begins to reduce.

Cut down on salt
Too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Watch your diet
Try to have a balanced diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, starch foods such as wholegrain bread and rice.

Monitor your alcohol
Too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle, increase blood pressure and also lead to weight gain. Avoid intake of alcohol or at least limit it to one to two units a day, gradually decreasing the consumption.

Get active
At least aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. Keeping yourself fit not only benefits the heart but also improves mental health and well-being.

Monitor your BP, blood sugar and cholesterol levels
Routine medical check-ups will ring an alarm, if you need medical help.

Manage your waist
Cholesterol deposition in blood vessels begins in the first decade of life. Carrying a lot of extra weight as fat can greatly affect your health. Make small but healthy changes in your diet.

Manage your stress level
If you find things are getting on top of you, you may fail to eat properly, smoke and drink too much. This may increase your risk of a heart attack. Practice yoga/meditation. Take a vacation.

Check your family history
If a close relative is at risk of developing coronary heart disease from smoking, high BP, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity, obesity and diabetes, then you could be at risk too.

Laughter is the best therapy
Laughter anytime will work wonders for you. It is an instant way to unleash the pressure and it makes you feel light.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to Promote Yourself

"Explaining why someone should hire you, or introduce you to a friend who is hiring, can be uncomfortable. You need to sell yourself, but you don't want to sound like a salesperson. Instead of detailing what's so great about you, tell a story that covers the following:

1. Situation. Explain the problem or situation that you, your unit, or your company faced.

2. Tasks. Outline what your responsibility was in solving the problem.

3.Achievements. Make clear what you did to meet your responsibility.

4. Results. What happened as a result of your achievements? Did revenues increase? Did customer satisfaction improve? Use specific examples to pique your audience's interest."

Friday, October 1, 2010

Seven laws of attraction

What does attraction really depend on? What makes you get attracted to a guy/girl you do not know? Experts say that attraction depends on the play of chemicals in our mind and on the kind of visual imagery presented to us, among other things. We found a few fun factors...

Nosing in
Fragrance really plays a big part when it comes to attraction and your nose can actually be a part of your foreplay. Experts say women should opt for a blend of lavender or something floral, while men should go for a fragrance with hints of musk.

The right period
Women are not attracted to the same kind of guys all the time. One week it may be the muscular physique that drives you wild, while the next week you probably have the hots for the slim guy next door. According to psychologist Seema Hingorrany, "Hormones play a major role in how a woman feels at any given time. When a woman is ovulating, she may prefer men with extremely masculine features. During this period, the sexual desire is usually very high. Meanwhile, menstruating women want men with softer, more feminine looks who seem kinder and more cooperative." Psychologist Shilpa Raheja adds, "The hormones at this time of the month makes the woman feel vulnerable, emotional and they therefore want someone who is empathetic and understanding."

Lady in red
You do not need to hear Chris de Burgh croon Lady in red... to figure out what this colour means to men. They are apparently influenced by cultural symbols that associate the colour with romance and sex. According to social psychologists, red may be 'the' colour men are attracted to. After all, the behind of some animals turn red when they are ready to mate! Seema adds, "Association comes into play here. Red is associated with 'sexy'. It is considered a bright and attractive colour that elevates your moods."

Mirroring you
This is an easy one. Body language experts have declared that mirroring your actions definitely proves that the person is subconsciously attracted to you. Subtle gestures like he/she is sitting the same way as you are, moving their hands in the same way and leaning their heads in the same direction are giveaways that the person likes you. Seema says, "One usually mirrors gestures of people they are attracted to and when someone subconsciously picks up gestures, they are probably just trying to get accepted."

Mommy is the best
Men look for nurturance in their relationships. And that is the reason why some men, unknowingly, look for someone who is similar to their mother in some way. Seema says, "I have had clients who have told me about how they fall for women who have eyes like their mother or hair like their mother. Our brain forms associations and men sometimes expect the same nurturance from their wife or girlfriend."

Be belly sure
Body language experts say that when you are attracted to someone, your whole attitude reflects that. One giveaway is that a man subconsciously positions his belly button toward the woman in the room he is most attracted to - even if he's speaking with someone else.

Touch me, touch me
If a guy touches you five times in the 15 minutes he is with you, then you are totally in! Psychologists say that a man usually finds excuses to touch you in order to see how you react. The way you respond will give him a hint of whether he is accepted or should back off.